We’re Wild About Your Smiles
Settle down, snuggle in, and join us on an adventure!
A Story By: Ivis Alvarez
Illustrated by: Michael Regina
Once upon a day, not so long; long ago.
In a place not so near and yet so close, for one to be and go.
There be some buddies who are; some would even say,
Unlike none other you see every, some, or any day.
From the wild. In the wild. Wild about your smiles.
Their home is where your smile is, Safari of Smiles.

A colorful, like the rainbow crew are they.
Brown with green, orange or yellow, and even gray.
Some big and short, others small and tall.
A jungly, safari, oh so wild bunch they are all.

Grins, Smoochie, Chomp Chomp, plus forget not Dozer;

Brushalotamus, Flossie, not last and not least, Molar.

Who’s their boss? Must you know? Know you must!
This bitty, itty, fairy is not one to tinker, you can trust.
All the sunshine she spends counting toothies once wiggly.
All the starlight she flutters, leaving coins for toofers once jiggly

What of our wild one’s? Our jungle posse? The Safari of Smiles clan?
Little toothies they’re polishing; shinning them spic and span.
No monkeying around. The hardest workers you’ve ever seen.
The Tooth Fairy wants smiles to stay sparkly, healthy, and clean.

So join the Safari of Smiles adventure. Please don’t delay!
Come all, come one; the jungle buddies will lead the way.
It’s a jungle out there so pack your smirk, smile, and grin,
For a venture so wild it will make your tooth brush spin.